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You must be a "Confirmed" Jessup student in order to access the Residence Life & Housing portal. Please reach out to your Admissions Counselor if you are unsure of your student status.

Only Jessup student emails will be recognized as a valid user.

Still Having trouble logging in:
1. If using Google Chrome, make sure you are using your Jessup student credentials
2. Clear your cookies
3. Open an "incognito" window to log in
4. Email Jessup IT helpdesk@jessup.edu

Welcome to the Jessup University Residence Life & Housing Portal

All full-time traditional undergraduate students are required to live on campus per the residency requirement/commuter policy. Students applying for commuter status must meet one or more of the criteria and must complete the Application for Commuter Status prior to the registration process each academic year. The Residence Life & Housing office will provide on campus housing or an approval for commuter status for all enrolled students.

Questions: contact Housing housing@jessup.edu